Der Liedermacher aus Edinburgh liefert mit seinen songs und seinem virtuosen Finger style Gitarrenspiel akustische Musik in bester Folktradition! In seiner Heimat ist er mit Auszeichnungen und Preisen überhäuft, bei uns noch ein Geheimtipp! Ein Muss für alle Fans herausragender Gitarrenarbeit und Liebhaber Schottlands!
-6 besondere schottische Whisky's
-Handvesper in der Pause
-Weitere Getränke sind im Verkauf erhältlich
Kempston is certainly a stage natural, sadly performing for only two days; those lucky enough witness his charm are in for quite a treat. With some brilliant and quite unique guitar skills, Kempston plays a mixture of upbeat and softer songs, with a brilliant use of crescendo. His folk offerings were preferable to his attempted blues numbers, but both genres were very ably performed. Coupled with some anecdotes on how his songs were formed and a friendly rapport with the audience, Kempston’s gig was enjoyable, interesting and relaxing. An obviously humble man, who has produced an obviously delightful show.
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